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Writer's pictureSofea Athirah

Residents prepare Bubur Lambok while adhering to social distancing guidelines

With the movement control order (MCO) in place, residents from Bandar Puteri, Klang here are unable to hold their annual community gatherings in conjunction with Ramadan.

But that did not deter them from going ahead with their gotong-royong to prepare Bubur Lambok while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

The head for the activity, En. Nazaruddin said this way they were still able to carry on the tradition and also provide food to the needy in the village and nearby areas.

"We managed to get contributions for all the ingredients and packing material, while many came forward to help with the cooking. We used the one-house-one-pot formula also so families could prepare the porridge using their own recipes," he said.

Once ready, volunteers went around and collected the porridge for distribution.

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