The stresses of the health risk that the pandemic presents and the tragic loss of life it has caused, combined with social isolation, a lack of access to favorite activities, and an uncertain future, are taxing for everyone. These issues may be especially challenging for those experiencing mental health conditions.
Tips and precautions
One guideline for living through a global emergency is to avoid spending every moment in “crisis mode.” A range of different activities can help people stay grounded in difficult times. Make a point of:
following a normal routine as much as possible
limiting time spent engaging with the news and social media
finding ways to be physically active
eating a healthful diet
trying to get enough sleep
avoiding alcohol and drugs
focusing on what you can control
maintaining social relationships
These practices will not change anyone’s circumstances, but they can help people realize that they still have a connection to their prior way of life. Focusing on this can help people take steps toward making themselves feel better.